Les fans se demandent : Travis Kelce a-t-il des tatouages ?

Source de l’image : Getty/Steve Granitz / Contributeur

Depuis que Taylor Swift est devenue une spectatrice régulière des matchs des Chiefs (et qu’elle a été vue avec la mère du joueur de football), tout le monde n’a d’yeux que pour Travis Kelce et elle. Leur histoire d’amour, qui semble avoir débuté vers septembre 2023, a captivé l’attention de tous, chaque apparition en soutien à la carrière de l’autre faisant le buzz. Kelce a rejoint Swift lors de sa tournée The Eras Tour, tandis que Swift a encouragé Kelce jusqu’au Super Bowl, où son équipe a remporté la victoire. Cette histoire a naturellement suscité l’intérêt de nouveaux fans de football, curieux d’en savoir plus sur le potentiel partenaire de Swift – en particulier sur la collection de tatouages de Kelce.

Les recherches sur « les tatouages de Travis Kelce » ont explosé, les fans désirant découvrir davantage sur le champion du Super Bowl à trois reprises. Malgré sa réputation d’exprimer sa personnalité à travers ses choix vestimentaires, il n’existe aucune preuve publique que Kelce ait des tatouages. Cependant, cela ne signifie pas qu’il n’y ait pas de designs inspirés de Kelce. En effet, après avoir perdu un pari contre Kelce et son coéquipier Patrick Mahomes, le musicien Post Malone s’est fait tatouer leurs signatures sur son bras en coulisses lors d’un concert. « Il avait un tatoueur littéralement dans la pièce, » a révélé Mahomes à « GQ ». « Je me disais, ‘Mec, tu n’es pas vraiment obligé de te faire tatouer nos autographes.’

Il reste incertain si Kelce souhaite se lancer dans l’art corporel ; la collection de tatouages de Swift est, elle aussi, inexistante pour le moment. Mais l’avenir nous dira ce qu’il en est pour notre couple favori.

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LIRE  Title: Mon Expérience Avec le Foilyage a Transformé Mon BlondHey there! If you're like me, always on the hunt for the next hair trend to elevate your look, let me share with you my latest hair adventure. I decided to dive into the world of foilyage, and let me tell you, it absolutely revolutionized my blond hair. So, what exactly is foilyage? Imagine the natural, sun-kissed highlights you'd get after a relaxing summer, but amplified and with much more precision. This technique is a clever blend of balayage and foils, taking the best of both worlds to create a stunning, multidimensional blond. It's not just about lightening the hair; it's about adding layers of depth and brightness that make your blond truly stand out.Why did I choose foilyage, you might ask? Well, despite loving the balayage technique for its more natural-looking results, I noticed my hair started to lack the vibrant contrast I craved. Traditional foil highlights, on the other hand, felt too structured and lacked the seamless blend I was after. Foilyage promised to be the Goldilocks solution - just right.The process was surprisingly soothing, a testament to my stylist's expertise. Each section of my hair was thoughtfully painted with lightener before being wrapped in foils. This not only sped up the lightning process but also allowed for a more intense lift in selected areas. As I sat there, sipping my coffee and flipping through a magazine, I could feel the excitement bubbling. When the reveal moment came, I was absolutely floored. My hair hadn't just lightened; it had transformed. The foilyage technique gave me the perfect gradation of tones, from deeper blond roots to the brightest, almost ethereal ends. The dimension it created was nothing short of amazing. My hair looked like it had volume and depth I never knew was possible. And the best part? It felt healthy, glossy, and utterly luxurious.Caring for my newly foilyaged hair has been a breeze. A purple shampoo once a week to keep the brassiness at bay, a deep conditioning treatment to nourish those locks, and I'm good to go. The grow-out is also incredibly graceful, another win for those of us not keen on frequent salon visits.In conclusion, if you're contemplating giving your blond a significant upgrade, foilyage might just be the way to go. It’s turned me into a true believer, and each glance in the mirror is a reminder of how much I adore this technique. It's not just a hair color; it's a statement. And for me, it's one I'll proudly wear.

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